Wharton Tiers Ensemble

23 (2023)

Wharton Tiers Ensemble, 23 cover art

KABOOM (2018)

KABOOM! by Wharton Tiers Ensemble

A Transendance (2014)

Wharton Tiers Ensemble, A Transendance cover art

Freedom Now! (2013)

Freedom Now! by Wharton Tiers Ensemble

I, Rasputin (2000)

Limited edition soundtrack recording for the play I, Rasputin by Dura Mater.

I, Rasputin by the Wharton Tiers Ensemble

Twilight Of The Computer Age (1999)

The powerful second Ensemble album.

Twilight Of The Computer Age by the Wharton Tiers Ensemble

Brighter Than Life (1997)

The acclaimed debut

Brighter Than Life by the Wharton Tiers Ensemble